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Celestia Chain of Fate – Review

Have you ever wished to be a daughter of the duchy? Do you want magical powers and three hot boys falling over themselves for the chance to date you? Well, good news! Celestia Chain of Fate from Agate Games provides exactly that. Between your new life at a magical finishing school, classes, trials and the burden of being the only half-Daemon/half-Angelus in history, there’s a lot for Aria to handle. But there’s always time for kisses!

An exerpt from the beginning of the game, showing a page of a childrens book with an angel and demon embracing. The test reads "However, no one approved the relationship between an angel and a demon."

Based on one of the stories from Agate’s Memories mobile game, Celestia is a full production of the first part of this tale featuring a tweaked story, revamped UI, and improved art assets. The experience is further fleshed out with the inclusion of side stories that unlock after each chapter. While not essential for the main plot, they are fun little vignettes that help to deepen your immersion in the world.

This game also includes a multitude of bad ends, some of which are quite amusing and some of which appear seemingly out of nowhere and shock you. It’s not difficult to spot which are the best choices, but this leads to some problems later down the line.

A special art piece of Ash Winterlight leaning against a train observation car railing and gazing out to the sky

Your three love interests are Ash, a Crown Prince in the Human Realm and half-Angelus. Luke is a pure-blooded Angelus with a heavy burden on his future. And Val, the absolute best boy and pure-blooded Daemon heir to House Lucifer. Throughout your time in Celestia, you can opt to go along with each of the boys, learn more about them and end up on dates.

Your 3 love interests in the game. From left to right, Val a red haired Daemon with black and gold horns, Ash a half human half Angelus with blue hair, and Luke a white haired angelus

Frankly, you’re pretty railroaded into this at a lot of points. After multiple playthroughs, I can say that your choices generally don’t matter to the overall plot aside from which boy you “choose” at the end and even on my first run I had all three of them almost maxed out. In a game with so many choices, nearly none of them matter which is definitely a mark against the experience.

The affection status menu screen, showing Val De Lucifer and how much progress made with him by a percentage bar and highlighted on a list of chapters with date events

Music and backgrounds may be stock products but they are picked out with such care they help add to the experience. I didn’t notice any tracks that were out of place with the scene and the backgrounds all look consistent with the setting. While the overarching plot may be a little trope-y and thin at times, the character writing and artwork definitely make up for this.

All of the named characters are excellent and distinct from one another with vibrant designs that capture their different personalities. There are also a multitude of distinct pieces of key art throughout that both look superb and help elevate their particular scenes, really drawing you in.

A chibi Luke and Arya laugh at Val and Ash who have been swarmed by cute fluffy ball creatures

In conclusion, I can say that while it isn’t ground breaking, Celestia Chain of Fate is an intriguing and enjoyable experience. While this first instalment doesn’t quite hit the heights it’s aiming for, it lays a foundation for a world and characters I’m eager to see more of.

With a seeming lack of Visual Novels in the West geared towards women, it’s also one of the better picks if you’d like to start your journey. I hope that with time we’ll see the next part of this story get a full release but if you’re anxious for more, you can always check out Memories on the Google Play and App Store to get your fix of this and many other tales.

8/10 star rating

Developer: Agate

Publisher: PQube Games

Platforms: Steam, Switch





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