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Class of Heroes 2G Remaster Edition- Review

Class of Heroes 2G is the 2009 follow-up to the cult classic original Class of Heroes game, developed for PS3 and now remastered for current systems.ย It’sย a dungeon crawler RPG that offers deep and layered gameplay and is held in high regard by many fans of the genre. With more character classes andย moreย content, will the sequel be whatย I was promised? Or will I have another bitter pill to swallow?

Class of Heroes 2G Title Screen

Ifย youโ€™veย read my review of the firstย gameย you know that I dealt with a lot of frustrationย during my timeย playing the menu game with light dungeon-crawling mechanics. It is a reliefย to sayย that 2G addresses some of my major gripes with the first game.ย 

The Class of Heroes 2G home academy screen

Appraisal is now a thing of the pastย soย youโ€™reย always aware of what itemsย youโ€™reย picking up and can use them immediately. I also never ran into the issue of a boss fight booting me to a “Game Over” and being inconsistent with the core gameplay loop. Class of Heroes 2G is stillย a very hardย game,ย thereโ€™sย no question about that, and there is still a large web of menus to work your way through regularly.ย Itโ€™sย certainlyย an incremental improvementย butย itย makes the game significantly more appealing than the first.

The Class of Heroes 2G alchemy menu

The art once again shines in this game, with character portraits being a delight and now showing each race as the different classes, making your party feel much more unique and vibrant. The music is also great throughout. While there are never any standouts, I never heard a bad track in my game time, and each song matches its particular area incredibly well while also being easy to listen to for extended periods. 

The first dungeon in Class of Heroes 2G, a wide open woodland

The voiceovers are yet again locked to Japanese onlyย and, yet again, thereย arenโ€™tย any particularly excellent or terrible performances,ย itโ€™sย all just fine. One marked improvement is in the characters and quests. They are noticeably more in-depth and add to the interpersonal relationships between NPCs, making them feel more fleshed out than the simple cookie-cutter teachers and students of the first Class of Heroes.

The Class of Heroes 2G battle screen, fighting a horde of Stingrat's

While more of the same, Class of Heroes 2G evolves the formula set by its predecessor and introduces some much-needed quality-of-life improvements that evolve it from something that isย “just fine”ย at best to being genuinely decent, especially for the price. There are hours of fun toย be hadย here, and while it may not hit the highs of other games,ย itโ€™sย certainly an experience I can recommend giving a go.

7/10 star rating

Platforms: PS5, Switch, PC

Developer: ZeroDiv

Publisher: PQube





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