Remember how Star Wars had its kids animated shows in Clone Wars and Rebels? And how they eventually evolved into a core part of the franchise with quality storytelling, popular with fans of all ages? Well, Star Trek Prodigy has pulled that off in only two seasons.

The CG animation and kiddy characters and humour probably put some people off at first, but by the end of the first season, it had some strong, very Trek storytelling. Season 2 picks up with our young crew of Starfleet hopefuls as they get entangled in a mission to rescue Chakotay from the future (you should really watch Season 1). Before you even hit the midpoint of the season you’ll be swept up with a compelling arcing narrative. There’s no sign of any kind of filler, or random hijinx-based episode. (Although plot-driving hijinks are to be had).

The animation continues to be excellent too, and familiar characters are recognisable despite the stylistic changes with expressive but believable motion. There’s special care taken to showcase the various spaceships too, something I’m very happy about. Throw in some excellent character and creature design and some thrilling well-put-together action … with actual stakes … in a “kids show” and you have the makings of a classic series.

I’ll be honest, I saw some early reviews call Prodigy “the best Trek in years” and I assumed that was hyperbole and unfair to my favourites Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, but it’s incredible. The show sticks to Trek principles and brings back old characters consistent with their established personas. It fleshes out the post-DS9 timeline and uses subtle references for world-building. It even fixes parts of Picard seasons 2 and 3. There are even parts of this show that I just wish Discovery had been able to pull off.

Prodigy Season 2 is still accessible enough to introduce kids to Star Trek, although, as in most time travel stories, it’s best not to think too hard about all the timey-wimey stuff. There’s enough depth and growth in the characters, complexity in the plot and threads from older Trek to delight older viewers too.

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