Tag: game
Elden Ring DLC Announced
Just over a year after Elden Ring’s release, we now finally have confirmation that DLC is coming under the title of “Shadow Of The Erdtree”.
Oxenfree II: Lost Signals – Review
Oxenfree was a story about relationships as much as it was about the supernatural, a mature coming-of-age tale that felt grounded thanks to cracking voice acting and an intriguing plot. Seven years after its release, Lost Signals proves to be a sequel worthy of its predecessor. While it revisits many of the mechanics of the first game, it…
VR Skater – Review
VR certainly excels at making people feel cool while making them look really not. That said I doubt I’d look particularly cool tripping over my own knees 50 times trying to operate a real-life skateboard. Wiping out 50 times in VR is much less embarrassing… and less painful.
Zool Redimensioned – Review
Zool is back! It’s been so long since we’ve seen this bouncy ninja run, slide and collect items while murdering all foes that stand in his way. Fun little tidbit, we very nearly got a Zool revival much sooner than now as back on the Wii we got a shovel-ware game titled NinjaBreadman, this was…