Tag: Indie

  • Can you survive the Withering Rooms? – Review

    Can you survive the Withering Rooms? – Review

    Welcome to a world where the normal natural rules don’t apply while the rules of the supernatural and Occult run wild and free, this is Withering Rooms.

  • Abduct Yourself A Farm In Sokobalien – Review

    Abduct Yourself A Farm In Sokobalien – Review

    Sokobalien recently received a console port so I jumped at the chance to play this cute alien puzzle game from Cavylabs and MadCat Corp. Just like many extra-terrestrial beings, your little alien avatar has a penchant for stealing livestock from farmlands for some unknown, definitely un-susworthy reasons. As such, it is down to you to push the various…

  • The Tuvok-verse. The Star Trek Fan-films Directed by Tim Russ

    The Tuvok-verse. The Star Trek Fan-films Directed by Tim Russ

    I love a good rabbit hole, to me they are fascinating. I feel like an archaeologist discovering a hidden culture and who has to explore every facet and origin.  So, I was exploring IMDB searching for Star Trek media, when I came across a series called Star Trek Renegades from 2015. Not knowing what it…

  • Sea Of Stars – Review

    Sea Of Stars – Review

    A few of my friends and colleagues made me aware of Sea of Stars a few months back, claiming it a homage to old-school RPGs like Chrono Trigger and one friend even claiming it’s the reason they bought their Switch, so I was naturally intrigued. When the demo dropped I was straight on it and…

  • SOKOBOS – Review

    SOKOBOS – Review

    The Gods themselves have tasked you with building a mighty temple in their honour in Sokobos by Daisy Games! You have been granted great strength but must complete this alone and forego any relations until the command is complete! As a premise for a puzzle game it’s a bit grandiose, but what the heck! I’m…

  • Sword of the Vagrant- Review

    Sword of the Vagrant- Review

    Released in 2018 on Steam, Sword of the Vagrant was ported to most current consoles in December 2022 also known as simply The Vagrant.