Not enough death in your dungeon? Too much cash in your pocket? Then grab yourself the free Challenge Mode DLC from Galacticare for PC.

If you’re not already a Diabolical Director, you can check out my previous review of the full game here. I also got the PlayStation edition and am happy to report it plays incredibly well and the trophies are fun to achieve. Now for this DLC.
I didn’t find the base game of Galacticare especially difficult, but as a long-time management sim player, I chalked it up to my experience. As such, I was pretty interested to see what Challenge Mode entailed.

As well as increased demands from your staff and patients, your starting money is significantly reduced. This wouldn’t be so bad, but the number of patients has increased, boosting your needs. You’re also going to be at a slight advantage if you have progressed your research and other things from the base game. Mixed in with the pre-existing challenge set by the story and limited space, the increased difficulty is already apparent. Then things mutate.

Waves of patients will now become infected with a super strain of various viruses. You need to treat and research these conditions to better manage the mutation and stop the outbreaks. Assuming your hospital can stay afloat that long.
With packed corridors, broken machines and dwindling coffers, it will take everything in your power to keep the lights on in Galacticare‘s Challenge Mode. Only the lucky few will be able to survive, but what do you care who lives, so long as the hospital turns a profit, right?

I’m still unsure how much we’re supposed to “win” this Challenge Mode. It’s mostly a challenge to see how long you can survive but equally makes you feel like a God when you get it right. At least until the next wave of chaos descends. For a free DLC though, I highly recommend giving it a go.

DEVELOPER: Brightrock Games
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