Author: Mulukh
Lil’ Guardsman – Review
We’re not all twelve-year-old girls with full-time jobs and responsibility for an entire city’s well-being, but we can at least pretend, thanks to Lil Guardsman. Step into the shoes of little Lil as she covers just one shift for her dad at the gatehouse. Two days of shenanigans later, Lil finds herself in a more…
Pokémon Concierge – Review
There are only four episodes of the Netflix-backed Pokémon stop-motion series Pokémon Concierge but that just makes them more precious. There’s a bit of a Stardew Valley set-up to the story, with our main character Haru burning out from her office job and starting a new life away from it all, on a tropical island.…
Vertigo 2 – Review
The first Vertigo never made it to PlayStation but the sequel from a one-man development studio has just ported PSVR2. Vertigo 2 is a First Person Shooter that sees you trapped on a planet of very alien aliens. There’s something of a Half-Life meets Rick and Morty vibe with your silent protagonist and strange goings…
Towers and Powers – Review
Towers and Powers is a VR tower defence game with some interesting mechanics of its own. From your godlike position up above, you’ll build towers by purchasing some citizens and placing them on predetermined platforms. Each little guy has a different profession and so builds a different tower with different strengths and weaknesses, as you’d…
What the Fortnite? – Into the Fortnite Metaverse
Some people have actively tried to avoid the cultural juggernaut of Fortnite’s Battle Royale, but there’s been a fair bit of fuss over it lately that has pushed it beyond its usual bubble. In part, this is due to a brief comeback of the original map, followed by a live event and a new map…
Ghostrunner 2 – Review
Sometimes it’s worth taking a chance on a game. I missed the first Ghostrunner, probably full-up on the cyberpunk aesthetic at the time, but mostly through timing and my own aversion to the idea of a game where I can lose in one hit. However, I had some time – somehow between Baldur’s Gate 3…
Kill it With Fire VR – Review
It’s time to take the fight back to the arachnids, only this time they’re all around you. I reviewed the flat version of Kill It With Fire fairly favourably. It was straightforward arcadey destruction, a fun distraction. This VR release is on one virtual hand pretty much the same game, but on the other disembodied…
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 – Review
The Spider-Man’s (Spider-Men? Spider-People?) are back, this time with a game built for PS5, and boy does that make a difference – but we’ll get to that.
Takeshi’s Castle – Review
Hey, do you remember Takeshi’s Castle? I remember it from the mid-2000s. It took footage of a Japanese gameshow and locked it in an audio recording booth with Red Dwarf’s Craig Charles. Contestants would compete in knockout rounds for a chance to take on Takeshi and win… something. Not sure I ever saw anyone win.…